US Healthy Soils Legislation Map and Table

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No legislation proposed
Healthy soils legislation passed
Legislation pending
Related legislation passed

States with passed or pending soil legislation: 29
States with passed soil legislation: 10
States with pending soil legislation: 19

Passed Healthy Soils Legislation

State Bill # Year(s) Chamber First Sponsor Title or Brief Summary Status
California SB-859 2016 Senate Lois Wolk Healthy Soils Program (HSP) Passed
Illinois HB 2737 2019 House Michael Halpin (D) Soil & Water Conservation Dist Passed
Maryland HB687 2020 House Stein, Dana (D) Agriculture - Cost-Sharing Program Passed
Maryland SB0597 2020 Senate Ronald N. Young (D) Expansion of the Maryland Agriculture Water Quality Cost-Share program Passed
Massachusetts Bill H.5250 2021 House Paul A. Schmid, III Healthy Soils Program part of Economic Stimulus Package Passed
Nebraska LB 243 2019 Unicameral Gragert, Tim (R) Create the Healthy Soils Task Force Passed
New Mexico HB 204 2019 House Nathan P. Small (D) Healthy Soil Act Passed
New Mexico HB 89 2021 House Jack Chatfield HEALTHY SOIL TAX REFUND CONTRIBUTION OPTION Passed
Oklahoma HB 1192 2001 House Clay Pope Carbon Sequestration Enhancement Act Passed
Utah H.B. 296 2021 Assembly Joel Ferry Soil Health Amendments, This bill address programs related to health of soil, creates the Utah Soil Health Program, establishes the Soil Health Advisory Committee. Signed into law on March 16th by Governor Cox. Passed
Vermont H.525 2019 House House Committee on Agriculture and Forestry Vermont Environmental Stewardship Program Passed
Vermont S.160 2019 Senate Senate Committee on Agriculture Incentives for practices that improve soil health Passed
Vermont H.656 2020 House Partridge, Carolyn W. (D) An act relating to miscellaneous agricultural subjects Passed
Washington SB 5947 2019, 2020 Senate McCoy, John (D) Establishing the Sustainable Farms and Fields Grant Program Passed
Washington SB 6306 2020 Senate Liias, Marko (D) AN ACT Relating to creating the Washington soil health initiative; and adding a new chapter to Title 15 RCW. - An educational partnership to "promote and implement voluntary soil management actions." Passed

All Legislative Items

State Bill # Year(s) Chamber First Sponsor Title or Brief Summary Status
Arizona HB2079 2021 House Dunn Invasive species eradication — amended to include Healthy Soils Program Pending
California AB 1508 2021 Assembly Health Flora Health and Safety Code related to agriculture, included provision "to assess the co-benefits from healthy soil practices." Pending
California AB-252 2021 Assembly Robert Rivas (D) Multibenefit Land Repurposing Incentive Program Act Pending
California SB-322 2021 Senate John Laird (D) California Conservation Ranching Incentive Program; includes soil health Pending
California AB-352 2021 Assembly Robert Rivas (D) Agricultural land conservation: California Farmland Conservancy Program Act Pending
California AB-1086 2021 Assembly Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D) An act relating to organic waste; includes soil health Pending
California AB-1500 2021 Assembly Eduardo Garcia (D) Safe Drinking Water Act; includes $100M for soil health, etc. Pending
California AB-296 2020 Assembly Assembly Member Cooley Climate Innovation Grant Program: voluntary tax contributions Pending
California SB-1028 2020 Senate Dodd, Bill (D) Environmental Farming Incentive Program Pending
California SB-253 2020 Senate Dodd, Bill (D) Environmental Farming Incentive Program Pending
California SB-859 2016 Senate Lois Wolk Healthy Soils Program (HSP) Passed
Colorado HB21-1180 2021 House Donald Valdez Measures To Increase Biomass Utilization - includes improving soil health Pending
Colorado HB21-1181 2021 House Cleave Simpson Agricultural Soil Health Program - Creation of a Voluntary Soil Health Program Pending
Connecticut SB 467 2021 Senate Sen. Kasser AN ACT CONCERNING SOIL HEALTH
Connecticut HB 6647 2019 House Camillo, F. (R) An Act Establishing A Regenerative Agriculture Program Pending
Florida HB 993 2021 House KELLY SKIDMORE (D) Energy Act; includes Resilient Farms Pilot Program to promote soil health, etc. Pending
Florida SB 1362 2021 Senate Tina Scott Polsky Energy; includes Resilient Farms Pilot Program to promote soil health, etc. Pending
Florida HB 1069 2020 House Joseph, Dotie (D) Tax Credit for Carbon Farming Tabled
Florida SB 286 2020 Senate Jose Javier Rodriguez (D) Tax Credit for Carbon Farming Tabled
Georgia 391-1-6 Gov. Sonny Perdue Georgia Conservation Tax Credit Program Passed
Hawaii SB964 2021 Senate Laura Acasio RELATING TO WASTE MANAGEMENT Pending
Hawaii HB856 2021 House Tina Wildberger RELATING TO WASTE MANAGEMENT Pending
Hawaii SB999 2021 Senate Daniel K. Inouye RELATING TO FORESTRY Pending
Hawaii HB863 2021 House Lisa Marten RELATING TO FORESTRY Pending
Hawaii HB1349 2021 House Lisa Marten RELATING TO STATEWIDE COMPOSTING. Companion SB587 (SB3121/HB2407 in 2020) Pending
Hawaii HB2167 2020 House Kobayashi, Dale (D) Relating to Sustainable Agriculture Pending
Hawaii HB2394 2020 House Saiki, Scott K (D) Relating to Composting Pending
Hawaii HB2395 2020 House Saiki, Scott K (D) Relating to Agriculture Pending
Hawaii HB2407 2020 House Saiki, Scott K (D) Relating to Statewide Composting Pending
Hawaii SB2531 2020 Senate Kahele, K. (D) Relating to Forestry Pending
Hawaii SB2532 2020 Senate Kahele, K. (D) Relating to Composting Pending
Hawaii SB2704 2020 Senate Gabbard, T. (D) Relating to Sustainable Agriculture Pending
Hawaii SB2709 2020 Senate Gabbard, T. (D) Relating to Beginning Farmer Training Pending
Hawaii SB2934 2020 Senate Gabbard, T. (D) Relating to Agriculture Pending
Hawaii SB3121 2020 Senate Gabbard, T. (D) Relating to Statewide Composting Pending
Hawaii HB1894 2020 House Creagan, R. (D) Relating to Beginning Farmer Training Pending
Hawaii HB2160 2020 House Creagan, R. (D) Relating to Forestry Pending
Illinois HB2647 2021 House Kambium Buckner includes Community Energy, Climate, and Jobs Planning Act; soil health may be in plans. Companions HB0804/SB1718/SB2436 Pending
Illinois SB1718 2021 Senate Cristina Castro includes Community Energy, Climate, and Jobs Planning Act; soil health may be in plans. HB0804/HB2647/SB2436 Pending
Illinois HB0804 2021 House Ann M. Williams (D) CLEAN ENERGY JOBS ACT; soil health may be in plans Pending
Illinois SB2436 2021 Senate Robert Peters includes Community Energy, Climate, and Jobs Planning Act; soil health may be in plans. HB0804/HB2647/SB1718 Pending
Illinois HB3501 2021 House Sonya M. Harper (D) Black Farmer Restoration Program; includes “focus on regenerating the soil, ecosystem, and local community" Pending
Illinois HB 2737 2019 House Michael Halpin (D) Soil & Water Conservation Dist Passed
Illinois HB 2819 2019 House Miller, Charles (R) DNR-Soil Health Practices Tabled
Illinois SB 1980 2019 Senate Scott M. Bennett (D) Soil & Water Conservation Dist Tabled
Iowa SF376 2021 Senate Joe Bolkcom Agriculture Act - climate adaptation advisory task force; includes soil health Pending
Iowa HF394 2021 House Charles Isenhart soil health in leases of public land Pending
Iowa HF457 2021 House ISENHARt, Chuck (D) An Act creating an agricultural land - sustainable agricultural land, soils, water quality, and land tenure initiative committee; includes soil health Pending
Iowa HF801 2021 House Agriculture Committee An Act relating to the management of soil and water resources - nutrient reduction bill, includes soil health in soil and water conservation programs Pending
Iowa HF2111 2020 House Isenhart, Chuck (D) An Act providing for the powers of commissioners of soil and water conservation districts Pending
Iowa HF2346 2020 House Isenhart, Chuck (D) An Act providing for a healthy soils and watersheds Initiative Pending
Iowa HSB 78 2019 House Ross C. Paustian (R) Cover Crop Property Tax Exemption Tabled
Iowa HF 102 2019 House Isenhart, Charles (D) Soil Resource Health and Recovery Monitoring System Tabled
Kansas HB 2310 2021 House Rui Xu Creating the Kansas healthy soils fund and the Kansas healthy soils initiative Pending
Kansas HB 2310 2021 Rui Xu Kansas Healthy Soils Initiative
Kansas House Bill 2640 2020 House Rui Xu Income tax credit for carbon farming Tabled
Kentucky HB560 2021 House Nima Kulkarni (D) An act to establish a Healthy Soils Program and a Healthy Soils Program fund in the Department for Natural Resource Pending
Kentucky House Bill 591 2020 House J. Graviss Healthy Soils Program Pending
Maine SP179 2021 Senate Senator BRENNER Establish Maine Healthy Soils Program Pending
Maryland HB687 2020 House Stein, Dana (D) Agriculture - Cost-Sharing Program Passed
Maryland SB0597 2020 Senate Ronald N. Young (D) Expansion of the Maryland Agriculture Water Quality Cost-Share program Passed
Maryland HB1176 2020 House Stein, Dana (D) Maryland Healthy Soils Grant Program Pending
Maryland HB395 2020 House Krimm, Carol L (D) Maryland Healthy Soils Program Pending
Maryland HB589 2020 House Charkoudian, Lorig (D) Solid Waste Management Pending
Massachusetts SD1581 2021 Senate Joseph A. Boncore Act relative to food justice with jobs; includes soil health in Community Agriculture Standards Pending
Massachusetts HD3246 2021 House Adrian C. Madaro Act relative to food justice with jobs; includes soil health in Community Agriculture Standards Pending
Massachusetts Bill H.5250 2021 House Paul A. Schmid, III Healthy Soils Program part of Economic Stimulus Package Passed
Massachusetts HD3383 2021 House Sean Garballey An Act relative to stormwater management and climate change adaptation incentives; includes soil health in ecological property tax exemption Pending
Massachusetts SF2729 2020 Senate Senjem, David H. (R) Solar site management Pending
Massachusetts S.2404 2020 Gobi, Anne M. (D) An Act promoting healthy soils Pending
Massachusetts H.873 2019 House Schmid, Paul A. III (D) An Act to Promote Healthy Soils and Agricultural Innovation Within the Commonwealth Pending
Massachusetts S.438 2019 Senate Comerford, Joanne M. (D) An Act to Promote Healthy Soils and Agricultural Innovation Within the Commonwealth Pending
Minnesota HF701 2021 House Todd Lippert Soil-health farming goals, incentives, data collection and data privacy; soil-healthy farming program Pending
Minnesota SF 1113 2021 Senate Kent Eken Soil-health farming goals, incentives, data collection and data privacy; soil-healthy farming program Pending
Minnesota HF 936 2021 House Todd Lippert Soil health cost-sharing program. Companion: SF1036 Pending
Minnesota SF 1036 2021 Senate Foung Hawj Soil Health Cost-Share Program establishment and appropriation. Companion: HF936 Pending
Minnesota HF1010 2021 House Todd Lippert Soil health action plan, precision agriculture research and outreach, agricultural best management practice loan program. Companion: SF793 Pending
Minnesota SF793 2021 Senate Kent Eken Statewide soil health action plan development appropriation; precision agriculture research and outreach appropriation; agricultural best management practices loan program funding increase Pending
Minnesota H1569 2020 House Lippert, Todd (D) Drinking water protection pilot program Pending
Minnesota HF1609 2020 House Brand, Jeff Soil health statewide action plan Pending
Minnesota HF2911 2020 House brand, Jeff Energy; solar site management Pending
Minnesota HF3238 2020 House Lippert, Todd (D) Farmer-to-farmer soil health education grant Pending
Minnesota SF1418 2020 Senate Eaton, Chris A. Soil health statewide action plan Pending
Minnesota SF1637 2020 Senate Ruud, Carrie (R) Working lands drinking water protection Pending
Minnesota SF2729 2020 Senate Senjem, David H. (R) Solar site management Pending
Montana SB180 2021 Senate PAT FLOWERS Establish an interim committee on soil health Pending
Nebraska LB 283 2019, 2020 Unicameral Brooks, Pansing (D) Provide for a Climate Change Study Tabled
Nebraska LB 729 2019, 2020 Unicameral Walz, Lynne (D) Adopt the Soil Health and Productivity Incentive Act Tabled
Nebraska LB 243 2019 Unicameral Gragert, Tim (R) Create the Healthy Soils Task Force Passed
Nebraska LB 283 2019, 2020 Unicameral Brooks, Pansing (D) Provide for a Climate Change Study Tabled
Nebraska LB 729 2019, 2020 Unicameral Walz, Lynne (D) Adopt the Soil Health and Productivity Incentive Act Tabled
New Hampshire HB1562 2020 House Bixby, Peter (D) Soil health and soil conservation in the state soil conservation plan Pending
New Mexico HB 89 2021 House Jack Chatfield HEALTHY SOIL TAX REFUND CONTRIBUTION OPTION Passed
New Mexico SB 218 2019 Senate Stefanics, Elizabeth "Liz" (D) Healthy Soil Act Tabled
New Mexico HB 204 2019 House Nathan P. Small (D) Healthy Soil Act Passed
New York A05386 2021 Assembly Donna A. Lupardo soil health and climate resiliency act. SAME AS S04722 Pending
New York A02042 2021 Assembly Didi Barrett Carbon Farming - Establishes a tax credit for farmers who maximize carbon sequestration potential through a "carbon farming" land management strategy. Companion S04707 Pending
New York S4722 2021 Senate Michelle Hinchey Establishes the soil health and climate resiliency act Pending
New York Bill S4707 2021 Senate Kevin S. Parker Relates to establishing a carbon farming tax credit for farmers. Companion A02042 Pending
New York A 02718 2019, 2020 Assembly Barrett, Didi (D) Carbon Farming Act Pending
New York S04875 2020 Senate Metzger, Jen (D) "Carbon farming" tax credit Pending
New York A 02718 2019, 2020 Assembly Barrett, Didi (D) Carbon Farming Act Pending
North Dakota SB 2342 2021 Senate Merrill Piepkorn Healthy Soil Grant and Healthy Soil Assessment and Education Program Tabled
Oklahoma HB 1192 2001 House Clay Pope Carbon Sequestration Enhancement Act Passed
Oregon SB404 2021 Senate Floyd Prozanski Relating to organic food production; includes soil health in program area Pending
Oregon HB2269 2021 House John Lively Relating to organic food production; includes soil health in program area Pending
Oregon HB 2020 2019 House Dembrow, Michael (D) Relating to Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Declaring an Emergency Pending
Pennsylvania Sen Bell 634 2019 Senate Gene Yaw Conservation Excellence Grant Program Passed
Rhode Island S0468 2021 Senate Kendra Anderson Regenerative Agriculture Program Act; includes soil health. Companion H5955 Pending
Rhode Island H5955 2021 House Leonela Felix Regenerative Agriculture Program Act; includes soil health. Companion S0468 Pending
South Carolina H3543 2021 House JA Moore Black Farmer Restoration Program; includes “focus on regenerating the soil, ecosystem, and local community” Pending
Texas SB1118 2021 Senate Nathan Johnson On-The-Ground Conservation Program, includes improving soil health. Companion HB2619 Pending
Texas HB 2619 2021 House Terry M. Wilson On-The-Ground Conservation Program, includes improving soil health. Companion SB1118 Pending
Utah H.B. 296 2021 Senate JOEL FERRY SOIL HEALTH AMENDMENTS: adds soil health to purpose of Conservation Commission, creates Soil Health Program and Advisory Committee
Utah H.B. 296 2021 Assembly Joel Ferry Soil Health Amendments, This bill address programs related to health of soil, creates the Utah Soil Health Program, establishes the Soil Health Advisory Committee. Signed into law on March 16th by Governor Cox. Passed
Utah H.C.R. 8 2015 Unicameral Michael E. Noel Concurrent Resolution on Carbon Sequestration on Rangelands Passed
Vermont H.656 2020 House Partridge, Carolyn W. (D) An act relating to miscellaneous agricultural subjects Passed
Vermont H.525 2019 House House Committee on Agriculture and Forestry Vermont Environmental Stewardship Program Passed
Vermont S.160 2019 Senate Senate Committee on Agriculture Incentives for practices that improve soil health Passed
Washington SB5286 2021 Senate Mona Das Establishing a statewide organic waste management goal; includes monitoring and improving soil health
Washington HB 2095 2019, 2020 House Walsh, Jim (R) Establishing the Sustainable Farms and Fields Grant Program Tabled
Washington SB 5947 2019, 2020 Senate McCoy, John (D) Establishing the Sustainable Farms and Fields Grant Program Passed
Washington SB 6306 2020 Senate Liias, Marko (D) AN ACT Relating to creating the Washington soil health initiative; and adding a new chapter to Title 15 RCW. - An educational partnership to "promote and implement voluntary soil management actions." Passed
Washington SB 5947 2019, 2020 Senate McCoy, John (D) Establishing the Sustainable Farms and Fields Grant Program Passed
Washington HB 2095 2019, 2020 House Walsh, Jim (R) Establishing the Sustainable Farms and Fields Grant Program Tabled
Wisconsin SB1111 2021 Senate Joint Committee on Finance technical assistance for resource conservation, includes promotion of soil health. Companion AB68 (SB856/AB919 in 2020) Pending
Wisconsin AB68 2021 Assembly Joint Committee on Finance technical assistance for resource conservation, includes promotion of soil health. Companion SB111 (SB856/AB919 in 2020), Pending
Wisconsin AB795 2020 Assembly Tranel, Travis (R) Crop insurance rebate for cover crops Pending
Wisconsin AB919 2020 Assembly Shankland, Katrina (D) An act providing farmers technical assistance related to water quality, organic production, and soil health Pending
Wisconsin SB715 2020 Senate Cowles, Robert L. (R) Crop insurance rebate for cover crops Pending
Wisconsin SB856 2020 Senate Miller, Mark (D) An act providing farmers technical assistance related to water quality, organic production, and soil health Pending

Legislative Items by Sponsor

First Sponsor State Chamber Bill # Year(s) Title or Brief Summary Status
Adrian C. Madaro Massachusetts House HD3246 2021 Act relative to food justice with jobs; includes soil health in Community Agriculture Standards Pending
Agriculture Committee Iowa House HF801 2021 An Act relating to the management of soil and water resources - nutrient reduction bill, includes soil health in soil and water conservation programs Pending
Ann M. Williams (D) Illinois House HB0804 2021 CLEAN ENERGY JOBS ACT; soil health may be in plans Pending
Assembly Member Cooley California Assembly AB-296 2020 Climate Innovation Grant Program: voluntary tax contributions Pending
Barrett, Didi (D) New York Assembly A 02718 2019, 2020 Carbon Farming Act Pending
Barrett, Didi (D) New York Assembly A 02718 2019, 2020 Carbon Farming Act Pending
Bixby, Peter (D) New Hampshire House HB1562 2020 Soil health and soil conservation in the state soil conservation plan Pending
Brand, Jeff Minnesota House HF1609 2020 Soil health statewide action plan Pending
brand, Jeff Minnesota House HF2911 2020 Energy; solar site management Pending
Brooks, Pansing (D) Nebraska Unicameral LB 283 2019, 2020 Provide for a Climate Change Study Tabled
Brooks, Pansing (D) Nebraska Unicameral LB 283 2019, 2020 Provide for a Climate Change Study Tabled
Camillo, F. (R) Connecticut House HB 6647 2019 An Act Establishing A Regenerative Agriculture Program Pending
Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D) California Assembly AB-1086 2021 An act relating to organic waste; includes soil health Pending
Charkoudian, Lorig (D) Maryland House HB589 2020 Solid Waste Management Pending
Charles Isenhart Iowa House HF394 2021 soil health in leases of public land Pending
Clay Pope Oklahoma House HB 1192 2001 Carbon Sequestration Enhancement Act Passed
Cleave Simpson Colorado House HB21-1181 2021 Agricultural Soil Health Program - Creation of a Voluntary Soil Health Program Pending
Comerford, Joanne M. (D) Massachusetts Senate S.438 2019 An Act to Promote Healthy Soils and Agricultural Innovation Within the Commonwealth Pending
Cowles, Robert L. (R) Wisconsin Senate SB715 2020 Crop insurance rebate for cover crops Pending
Creagan, R. (D) Hawaii House HB1894 2020 Relating to Beginning Farmer Training Pending
Creagan, R. (D) Hawaii House HB2160 2020 Relating to Forestry Pending
Cristina Castro Illinois Senate SB1718 2021 includes Community Energy, Climate, and Jobs Planning Act; soil health may be in plans. HB0804/HB2647/SB2436 Pending
Daniel K. Inouye Hawaii Senate SB999 2021 RELATING TO FORESTRY Pending
Dembrow, Michael (D) Oregon House HB 2020 2019 Relating to Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Declaring an Emergency Pending
Didi Barrett New York Assembly A02042 2021 Carbon Farming - Establishes a tax credit for farmers who maximize carbon sequestration potential through a "carbon farming" land management strategy. Companion S04707 Pending
Dodd, Bill (D) California Senate SB-1028 2020 Environmental Farming Incentive Program Pending
Dodd, Bill (D) California Senate SB-253 2020 Environmental Farming Incentive Program Pending
Donald Valdez Colorado House HB21-1180 2021 Measures To Increase Biomass Utilization - includes improving soil health Pending
Donna A. Lupardo New York Assembly A05386 2021 soil health and climate resiliency act. SAME AS S04722 Pending
Dunn Arizona House HB2079 2021 Invasive species eradication — amended to include Healthy Soils Program Pending
Eaton, Chris A. Minnesota Senate SF1418 2020 Soil health statewide action plan Pending
Eduardo Garcia (D) California Assembly AB-1500 2021 Safe Drinking Water Act; includes $100M for soil health, etc. Pending
Floyd Prozanski Oregon Senate SB404 2021 Relating to organic food production; includes soil health in program area Pending
Foung Hawj Minnesota Senate SF 1036 2021 Soil Health Cost-Share Program establishment and appropriation. Companion: HF936 Pending
Gabbard, T. (D) Hawaii Senate SB2704 2020 Relating to Sustainable Agriculture Pending
Gabbard, T. (D) Hawaii Senate SB2709 2020 Relating to Beginning Farmer Training Pending
Gabbard, T. (D) Hawaii Senate SB2934 2020 Relating to Agriculture Pending
Gabbard, T. (D) Hawaii Senate SB3121 2020 Relating to Statewide Composting Pending
Gene Yaw Pennsylvania Senate Sen Bell 634 2019 Conservation Excellence Grant Program Passed
Gobi, Anne M. (D) Massachusetts S.2404 2020 An Act promoting healthy soils Pending
Gov. Sonny Perdue Georgia 391-1-6 Georgia Conservation Tax Credit Program Passed
Gragert, Tim (R) Nebraska Unicameral LB 243 2019 Create the Healthy Soils Task Force Passed
Health Flora California Assembly AB 1508 2021 Health and Safety Code related to agriculture, included provision "to assess the co-benefits from healthy soil practices." Pending
House Committee on Agriculture and Forestry Vermont House H.525 2019 Vermont Environmental Stewardship Program Passed
Isenhart, Charles (D) Iowa House HF 102 2019 Soil Resource Health and Recovery Monitoring System Tabled
ISENHARt, Chuck (D) Iowa House HF457 2021 An Act creating an agricultural land - sustainable agricultural land, soils, water quality, and land tenure initiative committee; includes soil health Pending
Isenhart, Chuck (D) Iowa House HF2111 2020 An Act providing for the powers of commissioners of soil and water conservation districts Pending
Isenhart, Chuck (D) Iowa House HF2346 2020 An Act providing for a healthy soils and watersheds Initiative Pending
J. Graviss Kentucky House House Bill 591 2020 Healthy Soils Program Pending
JA Moore South Carolina House H3543 2021 Black Farmer Restoration Program; includes “focus on regenerating the soil, ecosystem, and local community” Pending
Jack Chatfield New Mexico House HB 89 2021 HEALTHY SOIL TAX REFUND CONTRIBUTION OPTION Passed
Joe Bolkcom Iowa Senate SF376 2021 Agriculture Act - climate adaptation advisory task force; includes soil health Pending
JOEL FERRY Utah Senate H.B. 296 2021 SOIL HEALTH AMENDMENTS: adds soil health to purpose of Conservation Commission, creates Soil Health Program and Advisory Committee
Joel Ferry Utah Assembly H.B. 296 2021 Soil Health Amendments, This bill address programs related to health of soil, creates the Utah Soil Health Program, establishes the Soil Health Advisory Committee. Signed into law on March 16th by Governor Cox. Passed
John Laird (D) California Senate SB-322 2021 California Conservation Ranching Incentive Program; includes soil health Pending
John Lively Oregon House HB2269 2021 Relating to organic food production; includes soil health in program area Pending
Joint Committee on Finance Wisconsin Senate SB1111 2021 technical assistance for resource conservation, includes promotion of soil health. Companion AB68 (SB856/AB919 in 2020) Pending
Joint Committee on Finance Wisconsin Assembly AB68 2021 technical assistance for resource conservation, includes promotion of soil health. Companion SB111 (SB856/AB919 in 2020), Pending
Jose Javier Rodriguez (D) Florida Senate SB 286 2020 Tax Credit for Carbon Farming Tabled
Joseph A. Boncore Massachusetts Senate SD1581 2021 Act relative to food justice with jobs; includes soil health in Community Agriculture Standards Pending
Joseph, Dotie (D) Florida House HB 1069 2020 Tax Credit for Carbon Farming Tabled
Kahele, K. (D) Hawaii Senate SB2531 2020 Relating to Forestry Pending
Kahele, K. (D) Hawaii Senate SB2532 2020 Relating to Composting Pending
Kambium Buckner Illinois House HB2647 2021 includes Community Energy, Climate, and Jobs Planning Act; soil health may be in plans. Companions HB0804/SB1718/SB2436 Pending
KELLY SKIDMORE (D) Florida House HB 993 2021 Energy Act; includes Resilient Farms Pilot Program to promote soil health, etc. Pending
Kendra Anderson Rhode Island Senate S0468 2021 Regenerative Agriculture Program Act; includes soil health. Companion H5955 Pending
Kent Eken Minnesota Senate SF 1113 2021 Soil-health farming goals, incentives, data collection and data privacy; soil-healthy farming program Pending
Kent Eken Minnesota Senate SF793 2021 Statewide soil health action plan development appropriation; precision agriculture research and outreach appropriation; agricultural best management practices loan program funding increase Pending
Kevin S. Parker New York Senate Bill S4707 2021 Relates to establishing a carbon farming tax credit for farmers. Companion A02042 Pending
Kobayashi, Dale (D) Hawaii House HB2167 2020 Relating to Sustainable Agriculture Pending
Krimm, Carol L (D) Maryland House HB395 2020 Maryland Healthy Soils Program Pending
Laura Acasio Hawaii Senate SB964 2021 RELATING TO WASTE MANAGEMENT Pending
Leonela Felix Rhode Island House H5955 2021 Regenerative Agriculture Program Act; includes soil health. Companion S0468 Pending
Liias, Marko (D) Washington Senate SB 6306 2020 AN ACT Relating to creating the Washington soil health initiative; and adding a new chapter to Title 15 RCW. - An educational partnership to "promote and implement voluntary soil management actions." Passed
Lippert, Todd (D) Minnesota House H1569 2020 Drinking water protection pilot program Pending
Lippert, Todd (D) Minnesota House HF3238 2020 Farmer-to-farmer soil health education grant Pending
Lisa Marten Hawaii House HB863 2021 RELATING TO FORESTRY Pending
Lisa Marten Hawaii House HB1349 2021 RELATING TO STATEWIDE COMPOSTING. Companion SB587 (SB3121/HB2407 in 2020) Pending
Lois Wolk California Senate SB-859 2016 Healthy Soils Program (HSP) Passed
McCoy, John (D) Washington Senate SB 5947 2019, 2020 Establishing the Sustainable Farms and Fields Grant Program Passed
McCoy, John (D) Washington Senate SB 5947 2019, 2020 Establishing the Sustainable Farms and Fields Grant Program Passed
Merrill Piepkorn North Dakota Senate SB 2342 2021 Healthy Soil Grant and Healthy Soil Assessment and Education Program Tabled
Metzger, Jen (D) New York Senate S04875 2020 "Carbon farming" tax credit Pending
Michael E. Noel Utah Unicameral H.C.R. 8 2015 Concurrent Resolution on Carbon Sequestration on Rangelands Passed
Michael Halpin (D) Illinois House HB 2737 2019 Soil & Water Conservation Dist Passed
Michelle Hinchey New York Senate S4722 2021 Establishes the soil health and climate resiliency act Pending
Miller, Charles (R) Illinois House HB 2819 2019 DNR-Soil Health Practices Tabled
Miller, Mark (D) Wisconsin Senate SB856 2020 An act providing farmers technical assistance related to water quality, organic production, and soil health Pending
Mona Das Washington Senate SB5286 2021 Establishing a statewide organic waste management goal; includes monitoring and improving soil health
Nathan Johnson Texas Senate SB1118 2021 On-The-Ground Conservation Program, includes improving soil health. Companion HB2619 Pending
Nathan P. Small (D) New Mexico House HB 204 2019 Healthy Soil Act Passed
Nima Kulkarni (D) Kentucky House HB560 2021 An act to establish a Healthy Soils Program and a Healthy Soils Program fund in the Department for Natural Resource Pending
Partridge, Carolyn W. (D) Vermont House H.656 2020 An act relating to miscellaneous agricultural subjects Passed
PAT FLOWERS Montana Senate SB180 2021 Establish an interim committee on soil health Pending
Paul A. Schmid, III Massachusetts House Bill H.5250 2021 Healthy Soils Program part of Economic Stimulus Package Passed
Robert Peters Illinois Senate SB2436 2021 includes Community Energy, Climate, and Jobs Planning Act; soil health may be in plans. HB0804/HB2647/SB1718 Pending
Robert Rivas (D) California Assembly AB-252 2021 Multibenefit Land Repurposing Incentive Program Act Pending
Robert Rivas (D) California Assembly AB-352 2021 Agricultural land conservation: California Farmland Conservancy Program Act Pending
Ronald N. Young (D) Maryland Senate SB0597 2020 Expansion of the Maryland Agriculture Water Quality Cost-Share program Passed
Ross C. Paustian (R) Iowa House HSB 78 2019 Cover Crop Property Tax Exemption Tabled
Rui Xu Kansas HB 2310 2021 Kansas Healthy Soils Initiative
Rui Xu Kansas House HB 2310 2021 Creating the Kansas healthy soils fund and the Kansas healthy soils initiative Pending
Rui Xu Kansas House House Bill 2640 2020 Income tax credit for carbon farming Tabled
Ruud, Carrie (R) Minnesota Senate SF1637 2020 Working lands drinking water protection Pending
Saiki, Scott K (D) Hawaii House HB2395 2020 Relating to Agriculture Pending
Saiki, Scott K (D) Hawaii House HB2407 2020 Relating to Statewide Composting Pending
Saiki, Scott K (D) Hawaii House HB2394 2020 Relating to Composting Pending
Schmid, Paul A. III (D) Massachusetts House H.873 2019 An Act to Promote Healthy Soils and Agricultural Innovation Within the Commonwealth Pending
Scott M. Bennett (D) Illinois Senate SB 1980 2019 Soil & Water Conservation Dist Tabled
Sean Garballey Massachusetts House HD3383 2021 An Act relative to stormwater management and climate change adaptation incentives; includes soil health in ecological property tax exemption Pending
Sen. Kasser Connecticut Senate SB 467 2021 AN ACT CONCERNING SOIL HEALTH
Senate Committee on Agriculture Vermont Senate S.160 2019 Incentives for practices that improve soil health Passed
Senator BRENNER Maine Senate SP179 2021 Establish Maine Healthy Soils Program Pending
Senjem, David H. (R) Massachusetts Senate SF2729 2020 Solar site management Pending
Senjem, David H. (R) Minnesota Senate SF2729 2020 Solar site management Pending
Shankland, Katrina (D) Wisconsin Assembly AB919 2020 An act providing farmers technical assistance related to water quality, organic production, and soil health Pending
Sonya M. Harper (D) Illinois House HB3501 2021 Black Farmer Restoration Program; includes “focus on regenerating the soil, ecosystem, and local community" Pending
Stefanics, Elizabeth "Liz" (D) New Mexico Senate SB 218 2019 Healthy Soil Act Tabled
Stein, Dana (D) Maryland House HB1176 2020 Maryland Healthy Soils Grant Program Pending
Stein, Dana (D) Maryland House HB687 2020 Agriculture - Cost-Sharing Program Passed
Terry M. Wilson Texas House HB 2619 2021 On-The-Ground Conservation Program, includes improving soil health. Companion SB1118 Pending
Tina Scott Polsky Florida Senate SB 1362 2021 Energy; includes Resilient Farms Pilot Program to promote soil health, etc. Pending
Tina Wildberger Hawaii House HB856 2021 RELATING TO WASTE MANAGEMENT Pending
Todd Lippert Minnesota House HF701 2021 Soil-health farming goals, incentives, data collection and data privacy; soil-healthy farming program Pending
Todd Lippert Minnesota House HF 936 2021 Soil health cost-sharing program. Companion: SF1036 Pending
Todd Lippert Minnesota House HF1010 2021 Soil health action plan, precision agriculture research and outreach, agricultural best management practice loan program. Companion: SF793 Pending
Tranel, Travis (R) Wisconsin Assembly AB795 2020 Crop insurance rebate for cover crops Pending
Walsh, Jim (R) Washington House HB 2095 2019, 2020 Establishing the Sustainable Farms and Fields Grant Program Tabled
Walsh, Jim (R) Washington House HB 2095 2019, 2020 Establishing the Sustainable Farms and Fields Grant Program Tabled
Walz, Lynne (D) Nebraska Unicameral LB 729 2019, 2020 Adopt the Soil Health and Productivity Incentive Act Tabled
Walz, Lynne (D) Nebraska Unicameral LB 729 2019, 2020 Adopt the Soil Health and Productivity Incentive Act Tabled

Map summary: Legislation status by state

State Status
Alabama No legislation proposed
Alaska No legislation proposed
Arizona Legislation pending
Arkansas No legislation proposed
California Some legislation passed
Colorado Legislation pending
Connecticut Legislation pending
Delaware No legislation proposed
Florida Legislation pending
Hawaii Legislation pending
Idaho No legislation proposed
Illinois Some legislation passed
Indiana No legislation proposed
Iowa Legislation pending
Kansas Legislation pending
Kentucky Legislation pending
Louisiana No legislation proposed
Maine Legislation pending
Maryland Some legislation passed
Massachusetts Some legislation passed
Michigan No legislation proposed
Minnesota Legislation pending
Mississippi No legislation proposed
Missouri No legislation proposed
Montana Legislation pending
Nebraska Some legislation passed
Nevada No legislation proposed
New Hampshire Legislation pending
New Jersey No legislation proposed
New Mexico Some legislation passed
New York Legislation pending
North Carolina No legislation proposed
North Dakota Legislation pending
Ohio No legislation proposed
Oklahoma Some legislation passed
Oregon Legislation pending
Rhode Island Legislation pending
South Carolina Legislation pending
South Dakota No legislation proposed
Tennessee No legislation proposed
Texas Legislation pending
Utah Some legislation passed
Vermont Some legislation passed
Washington Some legislation passed
West Virginia No legislation proposed
Wisconsin Legislation pending
Wyoming No legislation proposed
Virginia No legislation proposed